Sunday, 4 April 2010

I am very lucky!

In January my boss ask me to go to the local University to see if I could weld the framework of their weaving loom. It looked a bit like this one here.

Anyway, it had a big crack in the frame and also one in a big gearbox casting. I think some bad vibration had happened. So I borrowed the gas bottles from their Engineering Dept, and also an arc welder, and then I braze some pieces and weld others with a cast iron filler rod. It was good to do!

I am surprised to meet the Professor, and he is very pleased with me! When I tell him I am studying fashion at evening class he became very interested - and, guess what? Now I am a technician in the Fashion Department! Even better, they tell me my City and Guilds Welding certificates, and my HND in Engineering, are signs of good studentship - so if I am a good technician for three months, they enrol me on a BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Marketing course!

So I think I start this Blog to make you know about it all. It's my first blog too so sorry for my mistakes!

Love Alice.


  1. It's good to see big machines weaving in England - I thought that Mrs Thatcher had sold them all to the Germans!

  2. Fashion AND welding, Alice? Now there is a heady mix!
